Madrid in December

Some pictures from Madrid (unordered list). It's sad this time it was raining almost all the time. Truth is, the best thing about Madrid is that you can speak Spanish...

Police horses in the rain

Metro station looking like the matrix code

The Cuatro torres district



Cafe Gijon - an historic literary cafe

Sign reads "Aqui vendio tabaco y vio pasar la vida Alfonso, cerillero y anarquista"

Museo Naval - Navy Museum

Bunnies in Museo Naval


Somebody left his dog outside (very rude!) and got in the Museo del Jamon (Ham Museum) - probably the best place to enjoy the Spanish ham

Love playground

Candy time


En cuatro palabras: Mi Buff es maravilloso

Me salva de lluvia y viento, ademas si que se me cae bien!

No sabes que es Buff? A ver aqui: